概要と支援内容 Summary & Support contents


(令和3年度より実施してきた「フェローシップ事業」及び「未来のライフ・イノベーションを創出するフロントランナー育成プロジェクト」を一体化し、 さらに発展させて引き継ぐものです。)


新潟大学が求める学生像 Those who Niigata Univ. recruires


※1 新潟大学は、将来ビジョン2030を策定し、「未来のライフ・イノベーションのフロントランナーとなる」を掲げています。本学におけるライフ・イノベーションの定義は、『医療・健康・福祉分野に留まらず、21世紀を生きるわれわれの「生命」、「人生」、「生き方」、「社会の在り方」、「環境との関わり」と、それらの土台となる「地球」や「自然」についての新たな価値と意味を生み出すための革新』です。
 詳細は、https://www.niigata-u.ac.jp/university/about/vision/vision2030/ 参照。


In English,

In order to develop next-generation doctoral talents capable of performing challenging and interdisciplinary research that goes beyond existing frameworks and creating innovation in diverse areas, Niigata University has established the Project for Developing Front Runners Having Comprehensive Global Knowledge to Lead Future Society*1 (hereinafter referred to as the “New Next Generation Project”) with an aim to improve treatment and help form career paths for doctoral course students with excellent academic performance. Students accepted for the New Next Generation Project are not only provided with financial support for covering their living and research expenses under a research grant, but also are required to participate in career path support programs held on campus and to undertake challenging and interdisciplinary research under the Short-term Cross-laboratory Study Program, among other requirements.*2 After earning degrees, they are expected to take advantage of the abilities developed during the period of the project to play active roles in various social fields, mainly industrial. We hope that many doctoral course students who fully understand the purpose of the New Next Generation Project and are highly motivated to play prominent roles in science and technology as well as innovation of Japan in the future will apply for the project.

*1 We have established the Niigata University Vision 2030 with a mission of “Becoming a front-runner of future life innovation.” Our definition of “life innovation” is not confined to the fields of medical care, health, and welfare, but is also innovation that creates new value and meaning of our “existence,” “whole life,” “way of living,” “the ideal society,” “involvement with the environment,” as well as the bases of these: the earth and nature as we live through the 21st century.
For details, please visit https://www.niigata-u.ac.jp/en/university/about/mission-vision/vision2030/

支援内容 Support details

(1)生活費相当額 月17.5 万円を2ヶ月毎に支給する。
(2)研究費 次のとおり支給する。
   初年次(共通メニュー時)    :年額20万円
   2年次以降 専門深化型ユニット :年額20万円
         キャリア型ユニット :年額20万円
         創生型ユニット   :年額30万円
         学際研究型ユニット :年額40万円



In English,

1.Financial support for living and research expenses
(1)Financial support for living expenses: 175,000 yen per month. Payment is made every two months.
(2)Financial support for research expenses is shown below:
   First year (under the common menu) : 200,000 yen/year
   Second year onward Specialty deepening unit: 200,000 yen/year
            Career development unit: 200,000 yen/year
            Creation unit: 300,000 yen/year
            Interdisciplinary research unit: 400,000 yen/year
  The amount may be increased depending on the nature of the research project. If the support period is six months or less, the amount to be paid will be half the yearly payment, as a rule.
2.Support by mentors: research environment assistance, as well as advice and suggestions regarding the development of career paths to academia or industry
3.Support by the PhD Career Support Office: career development and training opportunities, such as generic skills seminars

For details, please visit https://www.phd.niigata-u.ac.jp/en/application-guidelines-3/.