Niigata University Young Data Scientists Colloquium 2025(YDSC2025)
What do you associate with the term “data science”? You may think of various words such as “machine learning,” “big data analysis,” and “Artificial Intelligence.” Recently, we have been hearing about these topics more and more. Data science refers to the techniques and methods for extracting and analyzing necessary information from large amounts of data. It may sound a bit formal, but it is actually used in areas that are close to us. For example, it is used in route recommendations for transportation apps, recommended functions for internet searches, and understanding the spread of infectious diseases.
In this colloquium, we will invite researchers who use data science to give presentations on the theme of “Innovation and vision learned from the research of young faculty members.” In addition, in group work among participants, they will discuss and present in small groups on the topic of “Possibilities and limitations of Artificial Intelligence, and prospects for the future.” It will be a good opportunity for those who want to start learning data science.
◎日時:2025年2月14日(金) 14:00-16:30
◎会場:新潟大学附属図書館 B棟 2F
ラーニングコモンズ プレゼンエリア
◎主催:新潟大学 次世代プロジェクト事務局
◎共催:新潟大学 ビッグデータアクティベーション研究センター
◎企画・運営:新潟大学 新次世代プロジェクト YDSC2025 運営委員会
13:30-14:00 受付
14:00-14:05 開会挨拶
14:05-14:25 講演①
14:25-14:45 講演②
14:45-15:05 講演③
15:15-16:15 グループワーク
16:15-16:25 グループ発表
16:25-16:30 閉会挨拶
Outline of the colloquium
◎Date:2025-02-14 Fri. 14:00-16:30
◎Place:Niigata University, Ikarashi Campus, Central Library Building B, 2nd Floor, Learning Commons, Presentation Area
◎Organizer:Niigata University Next Generation Project Office
◎Co-organizer:Niigata University Big Data Activation Research Center
◎Planning・Management:YDSC2024 Committee(Niigata University Next Generation Project)
13:30–14:00 Registration
14:00–14:05 Opening Remarks
14:05–14:25 Lecture 1
14:25–14:45 Lecture 2
14:45–15:05 Lecture 3
~ Break ~
15:15–16:15 Group Work
16:15–16:25 Group Presentations
16:25–16:30 Closing Remarks
◎Participation and presentation fee: Free
参加登録締切:2025年1月31日(金) → 募集延長:2月7日(金)
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Registration for YDSC is now open.
Application deadline for participation: January 31th (Fri.), 2025
→ Extension of Recruitment: February 7th (Fri.), 2025
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Contact: Niigata University Fellowship Office
YDSC2024 Committee(Niigata University Next Generation Project)