

(deadline: July 4) Improving Your Oral Presentation Skills

Please be informed that HokkaidoU will be hosted the followiing seminar.
This Transferable Skills Seminar, “Improving Your Oral Presentation Skills”, is intended primarily for young researchers
who are going to give a presentation in near future. Seminar will be conducted in English.
If you are intereseted in it, please join them.

Seminar title

Improving Your Oral Presentation Skills

Seminar date

2022/7/14 (Thu.) 4:30pm-6:00pm

Online (Zoom video Webinar)





1) Essential Information
 -Outline of the seminar
 -Importance of oral presentation skills for scientists
 -The “keys” to an effective presentation: Content & Delivery
2) Content of an Oral Presentation
 -Differences between written and spoken English
 -Creating effective slides -Deciding what text to include on your slides
3) Delivery of an Oral Presentation -Appropriate appearance
 -Using natural gestures for effective emphasis
 -Speaking with clarity -Using natural intonation and rhythm
4) Practicing Effectively
 -Identifying areas to improve
 -Practice methods for improving your presentation
 -Available resources
5) Handling the Q & A Session
 -Understanding your audience
 -Anticipating possible questions
 -Responding to difficult questions
6) Conclusion -Review of the topics covered



Mr. Greg Adams / Managing Editor
FORTE Science Communications : Experts in Academic Papers


Targeted Audiences  MC, DC, PD

-For casual chat and communication in English

-For graduate school students of Hokkaido University and the universities in our consortium.

-Registration required

-Topic: research progress, job hunting, daily life and so on

-Networking, sharing and encouragement

Maximum number of participants

A few students

*Depending on the number of applicamts, you may not be accepted.
  They are available on a first-come-first-served basis!

How to apply

Please fill out the following form.




By 2022/7/4 (Mon)

